Standing and Ad Hoc Committees

In addition to serving as an officer or a member of the Board of Directors, full and associate KyOPA members can participate in a number of standing and ad hoc committees that address specific issues. The objective of each committee and the current members are listed below. Committees usually are chaired by an officer or a member of the Board of Directors but need not be. Members interested in joining a committee should contact an officer, a member of the Board of Directors, or a member of the committee.

Standing Committees

Native American Consultation Committee

Mission: The Native American Consultation Committee is tasked with the responsibility of building a better, more constructive relationship with contemporary Native American tribal groups who have historic roots in Kentucky. Members of the committee work with these groups to identify areas of common concern and ways in which Kentucky’s archaeologists can “give back” to native communities.

Archaeological Research Grant Committee

Mission: The Archaeological Research Grant Committee, which is composed of the current members of the Board of Directors, is tasked with reviewing proposals and awarding small grants to full and associate members of KyOPA. Grants can be awarded for radiocarbon dates and other analytical procedures that may expand our knowledge of Kentucky archaeology. The amount and numbers of grants awarded are based on the funds available, the merit of each application, and the number of applications.

Membership Committee

Mission: The Membership Committee, which is headed by the president-elect, is tasked with assisting the secretary/treasurer with maintaining and expanding KyOPA membership, collecting dues, and updating membership rosters.

Living Archaeology Weekend Committee

Mission: The Living Archaeology Weekend Committee works with partners like the United States Forest Service and the Kentucky Archaeological Survey to organize activities, contact demonstrators, and secure funding for the annual Living Archaeology Weekend program.

Organizational History Committee

Mission: The Organizational History Committee documents and maintains historical records about the organization.

Ad Hoc Committees

Red River Gorge Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC) Committee

Mission: The Red River Gorge Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC) Committee is tasked with representing KyOPA in consultations with the Forest Service regarding the Limits of Acceptable Change process for the Red River Gorge in eastern Kentucky. The committee provides feedback on the impact of human recreational activities on archaeological resources in the Gorge. Committee members attend meetings to assist with developing a management plan that designates “opportunity zones” of appropriate recreational activities within the Gorge while protecting and conserving archaeological resources.

Avocational Accreditation Committee

Mission: The Avocational Accreditation Committee is tasked with assessing the feasibility and appropriateness of developing an accreditation program for avocational archaeologists in the Commonwealth. If deemed feasible and appropriate, the committee is tasked with developing a program for accrediting avocational archaeologists in archaeological lab methods, archaeological field methods, archaeological curation, and/or dissemination.